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Positronic Net Documentation

Database basics

To recapitulate the introduction, what we’re trying to do initially is show how Positronic Net lets you write a simple, but usable, to-do list app in about fifty lines of code. We’ll be storing the list items in a sqlite database; initially, they’ll just have an ID and a textual description. (We’ll be adding more later.)

Let’s get started.

Data representation.

As is conventional in Android, we’re going to ultimately be storing our to-do list in a table in a SQLite database. Positronic Net’s facilities for doing that are heavily inspired by the Ruby on Rails web development framework, though, as we’ll see, it has some twists of its own in order to accommodate its requirements (most notably, that database I/O and UI management happen on different threads).

Setting things up

But we’ll start here with the description of an item. There are all sorts of things you can imagine having here — an is_done status to indicate that the task has been accomplished, a todo_list_id if we have multiple lists, and so forth — and we’ll see those two in subsequent installments. (Though, as of this writing, the text isn’t there yet, the code is; see sample/todo_app in the library source.) But the absolutely bare minimum of a todo-list item record in the database would be a String with the description of the task, and a Long (to match SQLite conventions) for a database row ID. Thus:

case class TodoItem( description: String, id: RecordId[TodoItem] )
  def setDescription( s: String ) = this.copy( description = s )
  override def toString = this.description

Here, the case class bit is a Scala shorthand for declaring a class with a particular set of extra features — most notably the typed fields, and the copy method that you can see used here. (It also allows class instances to be used with a pattern-matching facility which we won’t be using here, which gives rise to the name.) The objects are also immutable — if you want to change them, you make a copy with new values. (And the RecordId is a wrapped version of the Long ID assigned by the database manager; more on these in a moment.)

Do they really have to be immutable?

Actually no; that's a convention that I'm following, but if you declare ORM-managed records --- using the machinery described below --- that have mutable `var` fields that map to database columns really should work.

The main reason I'm doing things this way is that Positronic Net does database manipulation in a background thread. That raises the possibility of awkward race conditions where the UI is modifying an object which has already been passed off to be saved on a background thread. Treating the objects as immutable makes these race conditions impossible. It does require some extra consing to make the copies, but these objects are quite small --- and you can use mutable records, if you find in a particular application that this is an issue.

The same argument would apply with stronger force, of course, if we had a tablet app with multiple `Fragment`s presenting different views of the same data.

We also have to declare how things are stored in the database itself. The quickest way to make that happen, with Positronic Net, is as follows:

object TodoDb extends Database( filename = "todos.sqlite3" ) 
  def schemaUpdates =
    List(""" create table todo_items (
               _id integer primary key,
               description string

This does a few things — it declares the database as a singleton object, TodoDb, gives the filename for it, and specifies the SQL used to create the tables that will be used to actually store the contents.

Note that the row ID column is declared as _id integer primary key; this follows Android conventions.

How does this relate to the standard Android `SQLiteOpenHelper` machinery for handling `onCreate` and `onUpdate`?

It's actually using that machinery under the covers, with behavior determined by the supplied list of schemaUpdates. Specifically, the version is, by convention, the length of the supplied list of updates; onCreate runs them all, and onUpdate runs the ones between the previous stored version at the current end of the list. So, adding new SQL declarations at the end of the list will cause them to be run onUpgrade when the corresponding version of the app is installed.

Having done that, we need to arrange for records to be translated to and from rows in the database. In Positronic Net, that’s done by a singleton object of class RecordManager, which is tied to the TodoItem class as follows:

case class TodoItem( description: String = null, 
                     id: RecordId[TodoItem] = TodoItems.unsavedId
  extends ManagedRecord
  def setDescription( s: String ) = this.copy( description = s )
  override def toString = this.description

object TodoItems extends RecordManager[ TodoItem ]( TodoDb( "todo_items" ))

A few things have been added here: some obvious, one subtle.

To first state the obvious, we’ve now made TodoItem a subclass of the library ManagedRecord class, and associated it with a record manager, which I’ve also named TodoItem. (In Scala terms, this makes the RecordManager the “companion object” of the class, meaning that the RecordManager and its ManagedRecords can access each others’ private data, should that prove useful.)

The subtlety: in order to pull records out of the database, the RecordManager has to be able to create them, which means (as is typical for ORMs) that there needs to be a zero-argument constructor. However, if there’s a constructor with defaults for all arguments, that’s good enough — so we give them all defaults. (The id attribute defaults to a value which no actual stored record will ever have — in fact, -1.)

Using it

So, how do we use this? Well, so long as we aren’t planning on persisting our TodoItems into the database, nothing has changed; we’re free to create and copy them exactly as we normally would.

What we’ve added is the ability to ask the RecordManager to store TodoItems into the Database, and to retrieve them (so long as the Database has been opened; we’ll cover that in detail in the next section).

How does the RecordManager know which field goes with which column?

The RecordManager can figure out on its own which fields should be matched to which database columns based on naming conventions --- the operative convention being that a field with a camelCased name is mapped to the column whose name is the same thing with underscores (thus camel_cased, if anyone was actually going to name a field that), with the special case that a field named `id` maps to a column named _id.

The RecordManager knows how to map fields of all numeric types (Int, Long, Float, etc.), Strings, and Booleans. Since SQLite lacks native Boolean support, a Boolean field is expected to be mapped to an Int-valued column, with values 0 or 1 for false or true, respectively.

What if there isn't a matching field or column?

Fields with no obviously matching column (or columns with no obviously matching field) are not mapped by default, though in the declaration of the RecordManager instance, you can request nonstandard mappings explicitly.

There's an example of that in the sample UmbrellaToday application, where the application's natural representation of the alertAt time on a WeatherAlert is a Java Calendar object. This is stored as a string in the database; the RecordManager is told to map that to an attribute named rawAlertAt, and the WeatherAlert objects do the conversions, transparently to the code that needs to deal with them.

Why not just deduce the table definition from the record declarations

A number of other ORM systems do exactly that, and it works moderately well for them --- though it would require declaring which fields are to be mapped to columns.

What makes me nervous about this sort of arrangement is that it gets awkward in situations where a new column is, say, initialized based on the contents of data that were already entered.