

package orm

Basic Concepts

The Positronic Net ORM tries to abstract away a lot of the boilerplate involved in dealing with data managed through cursors (or, more precisely, any data which can be accessed through a ContentRepository; that currently includes both SQLite Databases and Android ContentProviders, via org.positronicnet.content.PositronicContentResolver --- though ContentProvider support is currently less than perfect, due to lack of support for batched updates.

It works by transparently mapping rows from the cursors to (and from) simple Scala objects, following the active record pattern --- in lowercase.

The Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord ORM was an important influence, particularly in the framework's embrace of "convention over configuration". That's perhaps best explained by example: If you follow common naming conventions in for columns in tables and for fields in your record classes, the framework will figure out the mapping between them without needing explicit declarations. Similarly for the names of foreign keys in associations, and so forth.

(If you have a reason for violating the conventions, you can declare that you're doing something else instead; see "explicit field mapping" below for cases where it's reasonable to do that, and an example of how it's done. But that's only necessary when you're doing something unusual. And if you are, that becomes more obvious to the next guy reading the code if the unconventional code isn't buried among dozens of lines of conventional boilerplate.)

However, this is not a clone of the Rails ActiveRecord ORM. There are significant differences --- most notably in the use of the Actor-like notifications machinery to make it easy to write client code that never blocks waiting for a query result or an update.

So, for instance, if we have a RecordManager named TodoItems, for a ManagedRecord class named TodoItem, then

    TodoItems ! Fetch{ allTheItems => doSomethingWith( allTheItems ) }

will fetch all the items (on a background thread), and doSomethingWith them when they're available,

    TodoItems ! Save( new TodoItem( "read the tutorial for more" ))

will save a new one,

    TodoItems ! AddWatcher( this ){ allTheItems =>
       handleUpdate( allTheItems ) }

will arrange for handleUpdate to be called whenever any of them change, and so forth.

(As with other uses of the notifications machinery, the concurrent

    manager ! action

form of message sending expects to be called from an Android HandlerThread, such as the main UI thread of an Activity, and invocations of the doSomethingWith and handleUpdate callbacks are posted back to that HandlerThread for execution --- mainly to make it safe to manipulate an Activity's Views in the callbacks, which can only be safely done from the main UI thread. Where that's inconvenient, as in a BroadcastReceiver, it's better to use the onThisThread form of notifications action sending, q.v.

Often, you don't want to operate on all of the records in a table at once. So, starting with a RecordManager, you can produce other Actor-like objects called Scopes (by analogy to the named_scopes in the Rails ActiveRecord orm) which refer to a restricted subset of the records, like so:

    var undoneItems = TodoItems.whereEq( 'isDone', false )
    undoneItems ! Fetch{ ... }

It's even possible to add watchers on a Scope. But there's a limit to the magic:

    undoneItems ! AddWatcher( tag ){ undoneUpdate(_) }
    undoneItems ! Save( someTodoItem )

will work, and will fire off undoneUpdate when the Save happens, with the new values of undoneItems. We also take care that if some other code constructs a different Scope with the same conditions, updates on one will trigger watchers on the other. (And of course, both will trigger watchers on TodoItems itself.) However, if someone does a

    TodoItems ! Save( someRecord )

that won't trigger watchers on undoneItems --- even if someRecord has isDone set to false.

(Incidentally, it is possible to use whereEq, or the somewhat clumsier but more general where, on a Scope to produce a further restricted Scope, as if it was a RecordManager. Or rather, the reverse; RecordManager actually extends Scope.)

The use of actor-like machinery suggests other Actor-like conventions as well --- in particular, that the objects that are shared between actors (in our case, say, between an RecordManager and Android Activity which displays its ManagedRecords) should be immutable.

As we've seen, the most important of those objects are the ManagedRecords themselves, so the usual convention is for them to be immutable. It may be helpful to think of them as ephemeral, immutable snapshots of the mutable state which is, in effect, controlled by the RecordManager.

Declaring Record types, and associating them with data sources

So, to recap the above, we want to have immutable records shuffled between client code and a ContentRepository. How are we going to set this up?

Let's start with the records themselves. The simplest way to declare an immutable record with a bunch of fields in Scala is as a case class. We'd like to allow for that, adding as little extra complexity as possible --- but we still need to add a bit for the RecordManager to be able to do its job.

At a minimum, there needs to be some association between the record class (a subclass of ManagedRecord) and the RecordManager; we arrange for this by having the RecordManager be an argument to the ManagedRecord base class constructor.

Furthermore, the RecordManager has to be able to instantiate new instances of its ManagedRecord class. The conventional approach is for the ManagedRecord class to have a niladic (no arguments) constructor --- or, at the very least, a single constructor for which all arguments have defaults. (If, for some reason, this doesn't work for you, you can override newRecord in the RecordManager to do something else instead. But the common pattern just works.)

Accordingly, a minimal record declaration might be something like the following:

    case class TodoItem( description: String    = null,
                         isDone: Boolean        = false,
                         id: RecordId[TodoItem] = TodoItems.unsavedId
      extends ManagedRecord( TodoItem )

    object TodoItems extends RecordManager[TodoItem]( TodoDb("todo_items"))

for the todo_items table of a Database declared like so:

    object TodoDb extends Database( filename = "todos.sqlite3" )
      def schemaUpdates =
        List(""" create table todo_items (
                   _id integer primary key,
                   description string,
                   is_done integer

Some points to note in this example:

Explicit field mapping, and persisting unusual datatypes

As indicated above, a RecordManager will ordinarily map likeThis to columns like_this. If, for some reason, you want to override this convention, you can do it by having the RecordManager constructor call mapField before anything else happens.

One reason you might want to do this is to persist data of some kind where there's no direct conversion. Let's say, for instance, that you want it to look like one of your ManagedRecord classes has a persistent java.util.Date-valued field, called, say, dueDate. However, SQLite has no date-valued columns, so it won't work to shove them in directly.

One approach that works is to have the persistent column be a 64-bit SQLite integer which gets mapped to a Scala Long called rawDueDate, and then arrange the conversions:

    object MyDb extends Database( filename = "db.sqlite3" )
      def schemaUpdates =
        List(""" create table projects (
                   _id integer primary key,
                   due_date integer,

    case class Project( rawDueDate: Long = ...,
                        ... )
      extends ManagedRecord( Projects )
      lazy val dueDate = new Date( rawDueDate )
      def changeDueDate( newDate: Date ) =
        this.copy( rawDueDate = newDate.getTime )

    object Projects extends RecordManager[ Project ](MyDb("projects")) {
      mapField( "rawDueDate", "due_date" )

If, for some reason, you want to do all the field-mapping explicitly, and don't want the standard conventions to apply at all, use a BaseRecordManager. This is a base class of RecordManager which doesn't try to figure out anything on its own, and hence, can't make mistakes; it may make sense to use it when the underlying ContentRepository is an Android ContentProvider, and the actual column names aren't under your control to begin with.

One-to-many and many-to-one associations

The Positronic Net ORM has some support for one-to-many and many-to-one associations. (Many-to-many associations would require bypassing a lot of the usual Android helpers, and isn't likely to be possible for ContentProviders, where the API simply doesn't support the required joins.)

The available features are perhaps best explained by example. Let's say that we have a Database with the following schema:

    def schemaUpdates =
      List(""" create table todo_lists (
                 _id integer primary key,
                 name string
           """ create table todo_items (
                 _id integer primary key,
                 todo_list_id integer,
                 description string,
                 is_done integer

The intent obviously is that we have multiple todo_lists, each of which has its own set of todo_items --- those being the items whose todo_list_id column matches the id of the corresponding row in todo_lists. (Some Rails influence may be perceptible here in the conventions regarding plurals and so forth.)

We'd like to be able to access the items given the list, and vice versa. Here's an example of how that can get mapped:

    case class TodoList( name: String = null,
                         id: RecordId[TodoList] = TodoLists.unsavedId )
      extends ManagedRecord( TodoLists )
      lazy val items = new HasMany( TodoItems )

    object TodoLists extends RecordManager[ TodoList ](TodoDb("todo_lists"))

    case class TodoItem( todoListId: RecordId[TodoList]=TodoLists.unsavedId,
                         description: String = null,
                         id: RecordId[TodoItem] = TodoItems.unsavedId )
      extends ManagedRecord( TodoItems )

Here, HasMany is a nested class provided by the orm.positronicnet.orm.ManagedRecord superclass. The lazy vals here is, as usual, intended to delay construction of these objects until someone refers to them. Constructing them doesn't immediately cause any database I/O, but it still takes time and storage space, and if no one's going to refer to them at all, making them lazy avoids that overhead completely.

So, what the heck are these things?

The HasMany is the more familiar of the two --- it's a Scope, such as we might get by saying

    case class TodoList( ... ) extends ManagedRecord( TodoLists )
      lazy val items = TodoItems.whereEq( "todoListId", )

and may be watched queried as such; for instance, code like this:

    myTodoList.items ! Fetch{ items => ... }
    myTodoList.items ! AddWatcher( key ) { items => ... }

works either way. Being a HasMany, though, it has two extra tricks. First, it has a create method, which returns a new TodoItem with the todoListId prepopulated. Thus, for example:

    val item = myTodoList.items.create
    val itemWithDescription = item.copy( description = "Wash Dog" )
    myTodoList.items ! Save( itemWithDescription )

(Note that the save gets sent to mytodoList.items, so that its watchers --- or the watchers of any other TodoItem sub-scope with the exact same conditions --- will be notified of the change.)

Second, when a TodoList is deleted, the RecordManagers use some reflection to track down TodoItems associated with the vanishing lists, and to delete them as well.

However, it's also sometimes useful to go the other way --- to be able to use a TodoItem to fetch the associated TodoList. That can be done by using the RecordId as a query source for the item in question, like so:

    myItem.todoListId ! Fetch { list =>
      Log.d( "XXX", "The list's name is: " + )
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BaseJoin [TLeft <: ManagedRecord, TRight <: ManagedRecord, TResult] extends BaseNotifier with NonSharedNotifier[TResult]

  2. class BaseRecordManager [T <: ManagedRecord] extends BaseNotificationManager with Scope[T]

    Base class for mapping of ManagedRecords to and from persistent storage.

  3. class BatchScopeAction extends BatchAction with ScopeBatchTranslation

    A subclass of BatchAction that allows callers to batch up Save and Delete operations in the ORM.

  4. trait ManagedRecord extends AnyRef

    Abstract base class for objects that will be persisted by this ORM into some ContentRepository (be it a Database, a ContentProvider, or whatever).

  5. class NoSuchVariant extends RuntimeException

  6. class OneToManyJoin [TLeft <: ManagedRecord, TRight <: ManagedRecord] extends BaseJoin[TLeft, TRight, IndexedSeq[(TLeft, IndexedSeq[TRight])]]

  7. trait ParentSoftDeleteListener [T <: ManagedRecord] extends AnyRef

    Mixin for child records of a class which org.positronicnet.orm.ManagedRecord.BelongsTo a parent class which is itself subject to soft-deletion --- that is, for instance, Items which might belong to a soft-deleted List.

  8. class RecordId [T <: ManagedRecord] extends NonSharedNotifier[T] with Serializable

    Representation for a record ID.

  9. class RecordManager [T <: ManagedRecord] extends BaseRecordManager[T] with AutomaticFieldMappingFromQuery[T]

    Class for mapping of ManagedRecords to and from persistent storage.

  10. class RecordManagerForFields [TRec <: ManagedRecord, TSrc] extends BaseRecordManager[TRec] with FieldMappingFromStaticNames[TRec]

  11. trait Scope [T <: ManagedRecord] extends NotificationManager with NotifierDelegator[IndexedSeq[T]]

    A Scope represents a subset of the ManagedRecords managed by some RecordManager, which may be used to query and update them.

  12. class ScopeAction [T] extends Action[IndexedSeq[T]]

  13. class ScopedAction [T <: ManagedRecord] extends ScopeAction[T]

    Utility class for declare new Scope-specific actions, to do whatever is defined in the corresponding act method.

  14. trait SoftDelete [T <: ManagedRecord] extends BaseRecordManager[T] with SoftDeleteScope[T]

    Mixin for record managers, to implement "soft deletion".

  15. trait SoftDeleteQueries [T <: ManagedRecord] extends Scope[T]

    Mixin for Scopes on a SoftDelete-supporting record class, to give useful information about subject records.

  16. trait SoftDeleteScope [T <: ManagedRecord] extends SoftDeleteQueries[T]

  17. case class UndeleteAction [T <: ManagedRecord] (dummy: Int, evidence$2: ClassManifest[T]) extends ScopedAction[T] with Product with Serializable

    Implementation of the Undelete action; SoftDeleteActions.

  18. class VariantRecordManager [T <: ManagedRecord] extends BaseRecordManager[T]


Value Members

  1. object Actions extends AnyRef

    Actions that can be sent to RecordManagers and other Scopes.

  2. object MapAs extends Enumeration

    Some content providers have fields in their pseudo-tables which are effectively read-only, or write-once.

  3. object RecordId extends Serializable

  4. object SoftDeleteActions extends AnyRef

    Actions for use with soft-deletion: specifically, the "undelete" action.