What might change, and what won’t.
This note describes some reframing I’m thinking about in terms of the Positronic Net APIs for concurrency support and messaging. I think, going forward, this would make for neater design all around.
However, I would plan to keep the existing APIs around, at least for enough time to let people transition (which should involve only one-liner changes in any event). That said, if there is cause for breaking changes, earlier is usually better…
We’re we’ve been — adding futures
One of the things I’ve tried to do with Positronic Net is use the concurrency idioms that come with Akka, without necessarily dragging all of Akka in. (This is in part due to wanting to have the details of the messaging implementation deal more directly to Android’s native notions of “Handler threads”, and the requirements of the Activity and Service lifecycles, and in part to simply avoid unnecessary bulk. (The size of even the Scala standard library is an issue; that by itself made me think that cut-down versions of some of the other stuff might be a better fit.)
Initially, this meant that only certain library-provided entities could act as message receivers, and callbacks were embedded directly in the messages:
TodoItems ! Fetch{ items => ... }
In this case, the behavior was as if the Fetch
action constructor would, in effect, remember what Android HandlerThread
it was called from, and arrange for the callback to be invoked with the result (when available) on the same thread.
(In fact, the actual mechanics were more of a mess, due to my first-cut API for running queries immediately on the current thread. And there are use cases that call for that. Consider, for instance, a Service
. If its onStartCommand
posts code for later execution, as in the above examples, then onStartCommand
itself would return immediately — at which point, the Android framework would consider the command-handling complete, and the process containing the Service would be eligible for summary termination, whether or not the background thread had done the work. The simplest approach in these cases is to have some API which keeps everything on one thread, though we’ll see alternatives in a minute.)
Where this broke down was in the Contacts-manager sample app. (As expected. One of the reasons I did a contacts manager as a sample app was that it would force me into handling an interesting set of corner cases. This was one of them.)
Among other motiviations: let’s say that you have a bunch of RawContact
objects, and that you’d like to do something with the associated ContactData
of all of them. If you know that you have exactly two of them, you can do something like:
rawContact1.data ! Fetch{ data1 =>
rawContact2.data ! Fetch{ data2 =>
// ... do something with data1 and data2
But if you have a vector of RawContact
objects, and would like a vector of IndexedSeq[Data]
to be processed when they’re all available, without knowing the size of the vector in advance… things are very awkward.
The solution I chose is to borrow some machinery from Akka: create an alternate series of query operators that return Future
objects, and implement combinators on the Future
s. (Which can be done in very little code — if you look at the Akka source, the combinators are the tip of an iceberg which goes much, much deeper, and it’s not yet obvious that the deep parts are useful on Android.)
Thus, to retrieve all the ContactData
, pair each up with the RawContact
that it came from (when available), and do something with the result:
val dataQueries: Seq[Future[IndexedSeq[ContactData]]] =
rawContacts.map { rawContact => (rawContact.data ? Query) }
Future.sequence( dataQueries ).onSuccess { data =>
val myState = new AggregateContactEditState( rawContacts.zip( data ))
where Future.sequence
is the operator that takes a collection of Future
s, and returns a Future
of a collection. (Which, in turn, is easy to implement in terms of simpler combinators on Future
Where we could go — better notifiers.
So, making this change to notation for simple queries has some benefits. (Or rather, supporting this alternative — the old API still works, at least for now.) It would be nice to secure similar benefits for some of the other messages-with-callbacks that Positronic Net currently supports. Specifically, there is the notification-style query:
TodoItems ! AddWatcher( key ){ items => ... }
TodoItems ! AddWatcherAndFetch( key ){ items => ... }
Both of these treat TodoItems
as a sourceof a stream of sequences of items, which invoke the handler. The key
is something that can be used to control the lifetime of the stream, i.e., tell the event source — TodoItems
in this case — when this particular watcher no longer cares about the events:
TodoItems ! StopWatcher( key )
Applying a similar transformation would yield:
val watcher: FutureStream[ IndexedSeq[ TodoItem ]] = TodoItems ?? Values
watcher.withValue{ values => ... }
Here we choose ??
as a message-sending variant which yields a FutureStream
instead of just a Future
. The idea is then that each time the TodoItems
table is updated, the withValue
handlers are called with the new sequence of items as an argument.
The tricky part of this is how to arrange transparent lifetime control — another part of the API that is less elegant than might be desired. The current way that that happens is that our ActivityHelper
s have a method that effectively does this (via a yet older version of the API, internally):
def manageListener[T]( listener: AnyRef, source: Notifier[T])( handler: T => Unit ) = {
source ! AddWatcherAndFetch( listener ){ handler }
this.onDestroy{ source.stopNotifier( listener ) }
Which hides the concurrency operators from the invoking source code, which is bad — we really want to keep the existence of concurrency up front.
Two possible options are:
val lifetime: Duration = myActivity.whileActive # new helper method
val myStream = TodoItems ?? (Values( during = lifetime ))
val lifetime: Duration = myActivity.whileActive
val myStream = (TodoItems ?? Values).during( lifetime )
where, either way, lifetime
is an object which the FutureStream
s to coordinate when they should be active. (It could even be a FutureStream[ Boolean ]
Other changes
Coupled with this, I’d also like it to be easier to declare an actor-like entity that could respond to messages (looking at the Akka API for the actors as one inspiration), though in a way that perhaps couples more directly to Android’s HandlerThreads.
I’m also thinking about improvements to the way the type system interacts with messaging (adding covariance and contravariance where they arguably belonged already), though that’s likely to be the subject of a different note. This one’s long enough!
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